Massage oils are used in massage therapy to enhance the experience and effectiveness of a massage treatment. Massage oils can have a variety of therapeutic benefits, such as improving circulation, reducing stress and anxiety, and relieving pain and inflammation.
Physiostatsis Phyto Massage Oil is a specially formulated cannabinoid (CBD) massage oil used for therapeutic treatment. It aids pain relief, enhances skin elasticity, and reduces the visibility of dermal scars.
Bio-Soothe Arnica Massage Oil combines Arnica and Lavender flowers to soothe aching and stiff muscles, joints, and tendons. Great for before and after sport or strenuous activity, warm up or warm down with a vigorous arnica oil massage.
Before and after sport or strenuous activity, warm-up or slow down with a vigorous arnica oil massage. This beneficial plant is brimming with soothing properties that help muscles feel relaxed. Please note that due to the supplier having difficulties with sourcing the pump bottles packaging has changed until further notice.
Before and after sport or strenuous activity, warm up or slow down with a vigorous arnica oil massage. This beneficial plant is brimming with soothing properties that help muscles feel relaxed. Please note that due to the supplier having difficulties with sourcing the pump bottles packaging has changed until further notice.
Before and after sport or strenuous activity, warm-up or slow down with a vigorous arnica oil massage. This beneficial plant is brimming with soothing properties that help muscles feel relaxed. Please note that due to the supplier having difficulties with sourcing the pump bottles packaging has changed until further notice.
Grapeseed oil's texture is light and it has a pleasant smell. This makes it a good choice when faced with the decision of what oil to use for a massage. The lightness of it makes it popular with people who do not like the greasy feeling some oils can leave in their skin.