The Acupuncture Needle tip is sharpened and polished to ensure consistency and provide ultimate sharpness, thus delivering a painless and efficient acupuncture treatment.
Energy Acupuncture needling treats a range of musculoskeletal conditions, including acute and chronic neck pain, back pain, tennis elbow, runner’s knee and tendonitis. A popular method of treating athletes, dry needling involves inserting needles into trigger points to deactivate and resolve them. Energy Acupuncture Needles were developed in collaboration with medical, health and rehabilitation industry professionals to ensure quality and enhanced features for ease of use.
- Muscular tension and myofascial release for low back pain
- Relieves neck pain
- Continuously effective
- Hygienical
- Easy application
- Individually blister sealed needles with guide tubes
- Sterile
- Stainless steel
- Box of 100 needles
Nappi Code: 212473-001