Enhance your performance with the Balanced Body CoreAlign Freestanding ladder.
Enhance your performance with this Pilates ladder. Developed by physical therapist Jonathan Hoffman, the CoreAlign is designed for mobility and strengthening. It allows clients of all fitness levels to improve balance, stretch muscles, and stabilize the core.
Most CoreAlign workouts require a training ladder, so if you don’t have available wall space, you can connect this freestanding ladder to the base of your CoreAlign. Measuring 231cm x 105.4cm x 183.5cm, this 41Kg ladder is perfect for a variety of Pilates exercises. Just like the CoreAlign platform, the CoreAlign freestanding ladder is made of solid maple wood that stands the test of time. It is designed for personal training and small groups, providing your clients with a total-body workout.
Balanced Body is dedicated to providing Pilates-based education and equipment that empowers users to be mindful of movement, make healthy lifestyle changes, and ultimately find balance.
- Compatible with CoreAlign
- Durable & Sturdy
- Improves Posture
- Space-saving
- An ideal tool for improving sports performance
- Gait and core training
- Balance and neuromuscular retraining
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